Try the FamSmart Employer keys and make initiatives internally, from maturity check and pilot to roll-out in your organization.

Learn, adopt and spread the mindset and model internally and internationally. Step by step.
After a quick maturity level check (and/or a deeper assessment) we recommend your first and coming steps.
For implementation you can either choose train-the-trainer programs for leaders and internal FamSmart coaches, or use our support to get going. Do a local pilot with for example our structured  community to engage and retain your parents on leave, and initiatie the ways to get leader buy-in and role models boosting your development. Enter the global best practise network and learn from other companies, sharing their case stories and concrete examples, as you can share your own. 

– Workshops and webinars for learning and exchange of experience
– Expertise and recommendations from the FamSmart team
– Online coaching for leaders and ambassadors

– Access to materials & tools
– Employer guidelines – adapted to Company values, vision and goals
– Employer Role Model strategy – for internal and external communication
– And much more..

All adapted to company and country maturity level.
Contact us to know more.